Scanning for sites with WordPress Toolkit

Not seeing any sites in the WordPress Toolkit?


Last Update a month ago

If you've never used the WordPress Toolkit or recently added a WordPress site, manually, to your hosting/cPanel service, you may not see the sites listed in the Toolkit.

If you're not seeing a particular WordPress site, or any at all, you can initiate a scan that will force the WordPress Toolkit to search for any WordPress sites on the server.

If there are WordPress sites on the server but they aren't showing in WordPress Toolkit:

  • Click the 'Scan' button to search for WordPress installations

If no WordPress sites are found during the search, you can install a new instance of WordPress:

  • Click 'Install' and follow the on-screen prompts


If you are certain that you have a WordPress site installed on the server, but it is not being shown in the Toolkit, please check the site's root document folder for a file named ".wp-toolkit-ignore".

  • If the .wp-toolkit-ignore file is present, the WP Toolkit will not acknowledge the site when scanning.

  • To include an ignored/disconnected site, simply delete the .wp-toolkit-ignore file and re-scan in the Toolkit.

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